Monday, August 25, 2008

Verified Identity Delayed

Renetto reports that VH's new Verified Identity system is delayed. There is a problem between WidgetLaboratories (WL), a third party software provider, and Ning, which is the platform that VH is on. It seems that VH was negotiating with WL to provide programming for threaded comments and possibly Verified Identity, but now WL has been banned from Ning due to alleged TOS violation involving degradation of Ning functionality. Other relationships will have to be developed to provide new software features for VH.

If you are one of the over 200 people who have requested an invite to VH and are awaiting an answer, you may have to be patient for a bit longer. The VH admins are doing all they can to roll out features as fast as possible. They do not think it is right to allow more members in before Verified Identity is in place. They had thought they would get that done last week, but apparently this WL situation has created a delay.

Most people are still enjoying their membership in VH. The site is running smoothly and there are now over 2000 videos uploaded. The admins are very active in the community and do a great job of keeping the members informed about as much of their plans as possible.


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